NEOA recognizes the importance of conserving energy usage and minimizing the consumption of natural resources toward reducing the potential for global climate change. We are therefore committed to taking steps in our association initiatives to minimize the consumption of natural resources and energy when economically viable. Because we are a non-profit association, we will need to depend on potential partners to help us meet our sustainable goals, while continuing to be the premiere trainer for educational opportunity professionals in New England. Streamlined non-profit processes reduce material waste from operations and increase the efficiency of meeting our mission.
NEOA is committed to:
- Implement accessible online professional development opportunities through webinars to reduce carbon emissions.
- Recycle at least 90% of discarded board meeting paper.
- Encourage Board members to carpool to Board meetings when possible
- When financially possible, contract with conference and board meeting locations that have incorporated responsible sustainable practices.
- Implement board protocols for turning off of lights, computers, copiers, printers, heating and air conditioning units, and other equipment when not in use. Reminders can be put on meeting agendas.
- As board supplies, including folders, brochures, letterhead, and business cards wear out, replace with recyclable products.
- When possible, have board members and presenters use laptops and projectors to share materials at trainings and meetings.
- Have emails from NEOA include "Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail." in signature line.
- At meetings, encourage the use of municipal water supplies, rather than bottled water, and use reusable mugs or water bottles, and discourage meeting and conference organizers to purchase bottled water.
- When possible share conference materials online rather than printing conference booklets.
- President will appoint an existing board member to be a "Green Czar" to monitor sustainability practices.
Updated June 2022