Promoting Educational Opportunity in New England

NEOA Board Position Descriptions

Revised June 2022

Job Descriptions - PDF Format


Regional President

Position Summary:

The president is the chief elected officer of the Association and presides at all general meetings of the delegate assembly. The President is the chairperson of the Board of Directors and, with the advice and consent of the Board, appoints all chairpersons of standing and ad hoc committees. The President will be an ex-officio member of all committees, except nominations and elections. The President shall in no way be employed by the Association. Priorities include COE issues, educating lawmakers, disseminating information about the Association, encouraging regional and state affiliations, promoting membership involvement in committees, clarifying responsibility and accountability for committee chairs, and preparing the interim and annual reports to the membership.

Principal Responsibilities:

  • Select committee chairs and two finance committee members for board approval
  • Set dates and locations of Board orientation (Sept) and 4 additional meetings: November, January (usually at the TRIO Day hotel) April (preceding the conference) and June
  • Preside at all general meetings of the Board or membership
  • Appoint a parliamentarian for all meetings of the Delegate Assembly.
  • Serve on COE Board and subcommittees as assigned by COE Board Chair; attend 3 meetings in September, December, May
  • Report back to NEOA Board on COE activities
  • Encourage participation in COE Leadership Seminar
  • Respond to COE Action Alerts and communicate to the membership
  • Disseminate information from COE and NEOA
  • Invite dignitaries to Annual Conference
  • Facilitate selection of Annual Conference award recipients and order their plaques
  • Provide final approval of NEOA Achiever candidate selections
  • Conduct business meeting at Annual Conference
  • Produce Annual Report for Annual Meeting
  • Oversee placement of NEOA ad in COE Annual Conference program
  • Maintain memberships in other organizations (College Board, NEACAC)
  • Encourage celebrations of TRIO Day for groups throughout NEOA
  • Respond to member and association concerns
  • Call emergency meetings as needed
  • Carry out the mission of the organization; review and update the Strategic Plan

Ceremonial Responsibilities:

  • Attend COE Policy Seminar and report regional results. Plan dinner for state teams. Plan celebration.
  • Attend TRIO Day and welcome participants
  • Attend all State Conferences and present information about NEOA
  • Represent NEOA Board at other regional conferences (optional)
  • Purchase thank you gifts for board and schedule recognition reception
  • Attend functions on behalf of NEOA
  • Make seating arrangements for meals at Annual Meeting
  • Purchase newcomer reception and gift basket items for COE Conference (more than $100.00)


President - Elect

Position Summary:

The President-Elect serves with the same powers as the President in the event that the President becomes incapacitated or resigns. The President-elect serves as "President in training". The priorities of this office include coordinating fundraising efforts, coordinating state liaisons, and responding to COE issues.

Principal Responsibilities:

  • Attend board orientation (September) and four (4) additional board meetings: November, January, April and June
  • Oversee development efforts
  • Advise committee chairs on fundraising efforts
  • Serve on Finance Committee
  • Serves on the Development Committee
  • Attend three COE Board Meetings (September, December, May)
  • Serve on COE Board subcommittees as assigned by COE Board Chair
  • Select site for following year's conference and TRIO Day
  • Represent the president as needed
  • Assist president and committee chairs in achieving their goals
  • Plan for up-coming year's activities
  • Actively contribute to and participate in all board activities/discussions
  • Contribute information to the NEOA newsletter as appropriate

Ceremonial Responsibilities

  • Organize Past President's Dinner at Annual Conference
  • Select gift for President
  • Select COE Annual Conference gift basket as assigned by President


Past - President

Position Summary:

The main duty of the Past President is to chair the Nominations and Elections committee. The Nominating Committee shall be responsible for ensuring a slate of candidates for the annual election. The Past-President also serves as Advisor to the President.

Principal Responsibilities:

  • Attend board orientation (September) and four (4) additional board meetings: November, January, April and June
  • Chair NEOA Nomination and Elections Committee
  • Chair Fair Share Committee. Ensure that NEOA meets its Fair Share goals.
  • Attend COE Board meetings (September, December, May)
  • Serve on COE Board subcommittees as assigned by COE Board Chair
  • Serve as "goodwill ambassador" by contacting new programs and program directors about NEOA
  • Serve on Finance Committee if appointed by the President
  • Serve on Public Relations committee as assigned
  • Serve on other committees as assigned
  • Follow-up on presidential goals and initiatives
  • Provide advice and guidance to current officers and chairs
  • Actively contribute to and participate in all board activities/discussions
  • Contribute information to the NEOA newsletter as appropriate


Vice- President

Position Summary:

The primary duty of the Vice President is to serve as organizer and chairperson of the annual NEOA conference. The Vice-President serves with the same powers as the President-elect in the event that the President-elect becomes incapacitated or resigns.

Principal Responsibilities:

  • Attend board orientation (September) and four (4) board meetings: November, January, April and June
  • Work with president-elect to investigate and choose conference site, and to negotiate contract, if necessary
  • Organize conference committee and delegate responsibilities to committee members
  • Serves as an ex-officio representative on any committees as assigned by president
  • Prepare a conference budget to be submitted to the Finance Chair for review of finance committee and approval of Board
  • Develop theme and format of the conference within the constraints of the budget and with consultation of the board
  • Elicit workshop proposals/ideas and speaker suggestions from NEOA membership and outside organizations
  • Work with president to invite and confirm dignitaries (COE Board Chair, Department of Education officials, others)
  • Send registration materials to members, past members, other interested parties, (i.e. NEACAC members) and COE Board members
  • Arrange for local transportation for special guests
  • Select menus, workshops, speakers, and entertainment to ensure a successful conference in consultation with president and committee
  • Keep track of registrations and membership information and submit all incoming funds and bills to the treasurer in a timely fashion
  • Convene committee of state members, representatives from other states, technology chair and disability concerns task force chair
  • Serve as liaison between the conference committee and Board; provide written reports in timely fashion to the board
  • Send membership information to Membership Chair and coordinate with registration information
  • Send information to web site manager as needed for notices and registration
  • Maintain accurate records, timelines and budget for conference
  • Adhere to conference budget
  • Actively contribute to and participate in all board activities/discussions
  • Contribute information from the committee to the NEOA newsletter as appropriate



Position Summary:

The Treasurer is responsible for the receipt and expenditure of funds in accordance with the fiscal policies established by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer maintains appropriate and adequate financial records and is prepared, at any time, at the direction of the board, to surrender such records and monies to the Board or succeeding Treasurer. The Treasurer will submit quarterly reports to the association, submit an audited report at the annual meeting, and shall be under such bond as may be determined by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall serve on the Finance Committee.

Principal Responsibilities:

  • Attend board orientation (September) and four (4) board meetings: November, January, April and June
  • Participate in training on financial management software
  • Carry out the fiscal activities of the Association according to the NEOA bylaws and fiscal policies manual
  • Pay bills of the organization in a timely fashion
  • Deposit income and coordinate deposits of the organization in a timely fashion
  • Account for all fiscal transactions
  • Serve on finance committee
  • Assist president and event chairs with contract negotiations
  • Maintain accurate and detailed financial records
  • Provide records to auditor for annual financial review and tax preparation
  • Bill member states for state dues by October 1, payable by December 1
  • Actively contribute to and participate in all board activities/discussions
  • Contribute information to the NEOA newsletter as appropriate



Position Summary:

The secretary has the official recording responsibility for the Board. It is also the responsibility of this office to incorporate the Treasurer's reports into the official reports of the Association.

Principal Responsibilities:

  • Attend board orientation (September) and four (4) additional meetings: November, January, April and June
  • Record accurate and detailed minutes of board meetings including attendance and Treasurer's report
  • Record accurate and detailed minutes of Annual business meeting
  • Type and disseminate minutes of all board meetings to board members following the meetings
  • Serve on committees as assigned
  • Actively contribute to and participate in all board activities/discussions
  • Contribute information to the NEOA newsletter as appropriate


State Presidents

Position Summary:

The State Association Presidents shall be full members of the Association Board of Directors and shall represent the interests of the members of their respective States. Annual priorities include: developing state level action plans, building organizational structures and identifying resources to foster state and community support of TRIO, recruiting and promoting TRIO leadership at the state level, disseminating information about NEOA and COE within the state, and reporting to the Board on state activities.

Principal Responsibilities:

  • Attend board orientation (September) and four (4) board meetings: November, January, April and June
  • Attend COE Policy Seminar and lead State delegation
  • Identify and register TRIO Alumni/ae to attend COE Policy Seminar, helping them with their arrangements
  • Verify NEOA Achiever registry information
  • Recruit and identify new leadership at state level
  • Develop and organize state and community support of TRIO and other EOP programs
  • Provide a written report to NEOA on state activities
  • Oversee the development of the TRIO Alumni/ae societies
  • Promote membership in NEOA and institutional memberships in COE
  • Oversee Political Action Network in their state
  • Pay NEOA dues by October 1
  • Actively contribute to and participate in all board activities/discussions
  • Contribute information to the NEOA newsletter as appropriate


State Liaisons

Position Summary:

The State Liaisons shall be full members of the Association Board of Directors and shall be elected by and represent the interests of the NEOA members in their respective states. Annual priorities include: coordinating crisis mobilization strategies at the state and regional levels, participating in state level action plans, disseminating information about NEOA and COE within the state, coordinating state policy events and state participation in national policy seminars, and reporting to the state on NEOA activities.

Principal Responsibilities:

  • Attend board orientation (September) and four (4) board meetings: September, November, January, April and June
  • Represent NEOA members on Board and provide a written report of activities in the state at Board meetings in conjunction with state president
  • Report to state on regional activities
  • Represent NEOA at state organization meetings and disseminate information from NEOA
  • Coordinate crisis mobilization strategies at state and regional level
  • Initiate and support interaction between TRIO and EOP personnel and state/federal legislators in conjunction with state president
  • Serve on NEOA membership committee
  • Maintain E-mail, phone, fax tree and other communications systems
  • Actively contribute to and participate in all board activities/discussions
  • Contribute information to the NEOA newsletter as appropriate.




NEOA Achievers Chair

Position Summary:

This standing committee has responsibility for the identification and selection of deserving NEOA program alumni candidates for special recognition at the annual NEOA conference.

Principal Responsibilities:

  • Attend board orientation (September) and four (4) meetings: November, January, April and June
  • Submit a budget request to president and finance committee for board approval
  • Form committee with representation from each state
  • Solicit recommendations from NEOA members of potential NEOA Achiever candidates, coordinate process
  • Convene subcommittee to recommend awardees for recognition
  • Contact awardees and arrange for their participation at the Annual Conference
  • Preside at NEOA Achievers luncheon at Annual Conference
  • Actively participate in and contribute to all board activities/ discussions
  • Contribute information from committee to newsletter as appropriate


Finance Chair

Position Summary:

This is a standing committee. The Finance Committee monitors all fiscal matters pertinent to the Association's activities. Annual priorities include the development and implementation of an effectively structured fiscal plan, including a formal budget and written policies for expenditures

Finance Committee Members:

  • Finance Chair
  • Treasurer
  • Membership Chair
  • President
  • Past President
  • President Elect
  • Conference Chair
  • TRIO Day Chair
  • Advocacy Chair
  • Development Chair
  • Professional Development Chair

Principal Responsibilities:

  • The term of the Finance Chair is two years (alternating with the treasurer position) so that the standing chair can train the new Treasurer after the first year
  • Attend five board meetings: September, November, January, April and June.
  • Present financial highlights of the year to the NEOA membership during the NEOA Conference Business Meeting.
  • Present board member training (fiduciary responsibilities) at the September Board Orientation Meeting.
  • Work with Treasurer, President and Committee Chairs to develop an annual operating budget
  • Chair finance committee and set and conduct periodic meetings. Finance committee meetings will occur virtually prior to each board meeting
  • Review financial reports provided by the Treasurer prior to submission to Board
  • Reconcile the checking account
  • Serve as a consultant to committee chairs concerning fiscal matters and policies
  • Work with committee chairs to ensure that activities stay within budget
  • Implement the long-range fiscal goals of NEOA; maintain fiscal stability
  • Review, update and communicate NEOA fiscal policy to the board as needed
  • Actively participate and contribute to all board activities/ discussions
  • Contribute information from committee to newsletter as appropriate


Legislation and Advocacy Committee Chair

Position Summary:

This is a standing committee and responds to national issues affecting TRIO and educational opportunity; provides technical assistance and information for state level policy seminars and provides technical assistance to state liaisons regarding crisis mobilization strategies.

Principal Responsibilities:

  • Attend board orientation (September) and four (4) meetings: November, January, April and June
  • Submit a budget request to president and finance committee for board approval
  • Coordinate NEOA Political Action Network with state presidents
  • Educate the membership regarding the reauthorization process and its implications for TRIO
  • Inform the membership, in a timely fashion, of reauthorization issues as they arise out of Department of Education and Congress
  • Disseminate information about higher education issues that impact NEOA members and students, via the NEOA newsletter, state meetings, and other communication systems.
  • Solicit input from members on legislative and educational issues and concerns
  • Provide technical assistance to state presidents regarding the COE Policy Seminar
  • Actively contribute to and participate in all board activities/discussions
  • Contribute information to the NEOA newsletter as appropriate


Membership and Credentials Chair

Position Summary:

This is a standing committee. Responsibilities of this position include: the active promotion of membership in the association; determining membership type and eligibility for purposes of participation in association activities; certification, for each association meeting, of the names of eligible voters; monitoring and tallying of votes when necessary. Annual priorities include: increasing membership, disseminating membership data, and developing an effective membership dues collection system.

Principal Responsibilities:

  • Attend board orientation (September) and four (4) board meetings: November, January, April and June
  • Submit a budget request to president and finance committee for board approval
  • Maintain membership and New England-wide database for membership directory
  • Produce mailing labels as requested
  • Facilitate membership committee meetings and communicate with membership committee between meetings via e-mail, letters and phone calls
  • Make written reports to Board on membership activities
  • Encourage association growth through identifying new members
  • Administer membership surveys and membership renewal reminder
  • Actively participate and contribute to all board activities/ discussions
  • Contribute information from committee to newsletter as appropriate


Professional Development Chair

Position Summary:

This is a standing committee. The Professional Development Chair is responsible for organizing activities to address the professional development needs of the NEOA membership. The chair convenes the committee and oversees the development of useful and appropriate annual trainings for the membership.

Principal Responsibilities:

  • Convene a Professional Development Committee with representation from all program types. Meet periodically (at least once per quarter).
  • Attend board orientation (September) and four (4) meetings: December, February, April and June.
  • Submit a budget request to president and finance committee for board approval.
  • Develop and update the professional development event RFP on the NEOA web site annually.
  • Encourage members to apply for funds in support of professional development activities, trainings and presentations.
  • Respond in a timely fashion to proposals for PD events after consultation with President; confirm funding availability and amount, request budget and evaluation.
  • Actively encourage and support PD activities for all program types and audiences.
  • Coordinate activities and trainings to educate the membership regarding the reauthorization and legislative process, higher education issues.
  • Maintain records of event descriptions, activities, participants, costs, and event evaluations for association archives.
  • Assess membership needs for training on an annual basis through surveys and other means.
  • Actively participate and contribute to all board activities/ discussions
  • Contribute information from committee to newsletter as appropriate.


Public Relations Chair

Position Summary:

This is a standing committee. The Public Relations Committee Chair oversees and has responsibility for association public relations and communications activities and shall in other appropriate ways encourage scholarly efforts toward publications related to and supportive of association philosophy and goals. This position has responsibility for reviewing and updating documents and materials representing the association, for coordinating public outreach and advocacy campaigns, and for providing relevant professional development to members.

Principal Responsibilities:

  • Attend board orientation (September) and four (4) meetings: November, January, April and June
  • Submit a budget request to president and finance committee for board approval
  • Work with Technology Chair regarding web site and electronic publications
  • Work with membership chair, professional development chair and others to coordinate NEOA public messages and member/alumni/donor outreach
  • Review and update brochures, publications, web sites, electronic media representing the association
  • Create Ad for COE Conference booklet
  • Coordinate with Conference Chair, TRIO Day Chair and other event chairs to prepare press releases and obtain press coverage for major NEOA events. Provide technical assistance to board and members on public relations campaigns
  • Coordinate NEOA political action network and communication matters with state presidents
  • Assist in the dissemination of information about higher education issues to members via the NEOA newsletter and other communication systems
  • Maintain and update social media sites. Regularly post information and news
  • Provide technical assistance on public relations to state presidents and liaisons regarding policy seminars
  • Actively participate and contribute to all board activities/ discussions
  • Contribute information from committee to newsletter as appropriate


Technology Committee Chair

Position Summary:

This is a standing committee. The responsibilities of this position include oversight and management of the NEOA web site, mailing lists, and other electronic resources; interaction with committee chairs and support of major NEOA activities through development and promotion of website materials; and assistance in meeting technology needs for NEOA events and initiatives.

Principal Responsibilities:

  • Attend board orientation (September) and four (4) meetings: December, February, April and June
  • Submit a budget request to president and finance committee for board approval
  • Provide schedule of when content for website should be delivered to all appropriate committee members or board members
  • Regularly update website
  • Assist Conference Committee Chair in meeting technology needs for conference, including online registration
  • Assist TRIO Day Committee Chair in meeting technology needs for TRIO Day, including online registration
  • Update and prepare Technology Committee timeline/manual for future Technology Committee Chairs
  • Actively contribute to and participate in all board activities/discussions
  • Contribute information to the NEOA newsletter as appropriate
  • Manage and maintain electronic resources such as mailing lists, cloud storage, Zoom license, domain name and web hosting accounts, and other online accounts as needed


TRIO Day Chair

Position Summary:

This is a standing committee. The TRIO Day Committee Chair shall be responsible for organizing the Annual NEOA TRIO Day Program.

Principal Responsibilities:

  • Attend board orientation (September) and four (4) meetings: November, January,, April and June
  • Submit a budget request to president and finance committee for board approval
  • Convene committee meetings to select hotel site with board approval
  • Identify and invite speakers
  • Organize a regional college fair, and local area college tours
  • Organize a student rally with local leaders, present history of political process and TRIO history
  • Arrange for entertainment and meals for students
  • Communicate with Technology Chair and web site manager in a timely fashion for notices and registrations
  • Generate a timeline and share other materials with incoming chair
  • Actively participate in and contribute to all board activities/ discussions
  • Contribute information from committee to newsletter as appropriate


Development Chair

Position Summary: This is a standing committee. The main responsibility of this committee is to identify and implement fundraising for the Association.

Principal Responsibilities:

  • Attend board orientation (September) and four (4) meetings: November, January, April and June
  • Submit a budget request to president and finance committee for board approval
  • Establish a committee of members from each state
  • Maintain and foster relationships with existing funders and supporters
  • Prepare letters and other communication for underwriting sources to support major NEOA activities and events such as the Annual Conference and TRIO Day
  • Solicit new sources of financial support for NEOA initiatives.
  • Actively contribute to and participate in all board activities/discussions
  • Contribute information to the NEOA newsletter as appropriate


Alumni Committee Chair

Position Summary:

This is a standing committee chair role whose annual priority is to encourage the development of TRIO Alumni Societies. The chair works with the National TRIO Alumnae Society Chair and state alumni bodies wherever possible.

Principal Responsibilities:

  • Attend board orientation (September) and four (4) meetings: November, January, April and June
  • Submit a budget request to president and finance committee for board approval
  • Maintain and update the NEOA Alumni database
  • Coordinate access for state presidents to verify alumni in NEOA registry
  • Act as a resource for suggestions for alumni activities and events
  • Promote and encourage the development of Alumni Societies in the region and member states
  • Provide information and technical assistance to region about the establishment of Alumni Societies
  • Plan for information tables and workshop(s) at conferences, state meetings and reunion events as appropriate.
  • Provide alumni information to NEOA members
  • Develop and maintain a regional Alumni Newsletter (quarterly)
  • Assist COE Alumni Chair with implementation of goals.
  • Actively participate in and contribute to all board activities/ discussions
  • Contribute information from committee to newsletter as appropriate




Disability Concerns Task Force Chair

Position Summary:

This is an ad-hoc committee. The responsibilities of this committee are to represent the concerns of the disabled community in planning for NEOA events, such as TRIO Day and the Annual Conference; to ensure that appropriate accommodation plans are made for events and activities sponsored by NEOA; to ensure accessibility of NEOA materials such as the web site and newsletter; to serve as a resource for the membership and board of directors on ongoing related matters.

Principal Responsibilities:

  • Attend board orientation (September) and four (4) meetings: November, January, April and June
  • Submit a budget request to president and finance committee for board approval
  • Serve on the Conference and TRIO Day committees
  • Meet/confer with Professional Development event chairs
  • Regularly review NEOA materials, contracts and practices
  • Serve as a resource for NEOA membership and board
  • Actively contribute to and participate in all board activities/discussions
  • Contribute information to the NEOA newsletter as appropriate



Position Summary:

This is an ad-hoc committee. This position is responsible for the ongoing collection, preservation and maintenance of NEOA materials and historical records and documents. This position shall be active in securing historical records from members, organizing materials (electronically and otherwise), preserving board meeting minutes and other records; soliciting materials from members and others relevant to the history of NEOA; making efforts to secure a permanent home and library services for all physical materials.

Principal Responsibilities:

  • Attend board orientation (September) and four (4) meetings: November, January, April and June
  • Submit a budget request to president and finance committee for board approval
  • Meet with past-presidents, board members and others to solicit materials of interest to the archives.
  • Meet with librarians and archivists; proper methods of records preservation; train other NEOA members.
  • Actively contribute to and participate in all board activities/discussions
  • Contribute information to the NEOA newsletter as appropriate


Newsletter Chair

Position Summary:

This is an ad-hoc committee. This committee has responsibility for generating a regular, quarterly publication on news of general interest to the NEOA membership, as a benefit of membership. Topics covered will include major NEOA events and activities, announcements of opportunities for training and professional development, best program practices, education news, political trends and other relevant items.

Principal Responsibilities:

  • Attend board orientation (September) and four (4) meetings: November, January, April and June
  • Submit a budget request to president and finance committee for board approval
  • The Newsletter Committee shall be responsible for the NEOA Newsletter.
  • Collaborate with different Committees to generate submissions for the Association's Newsletter
  • Develop and distribute the Association's Newsletter
  • Actively contribute to and participate in all board activities/discussions
  • Contribute information from the committee to the NEOA newsletter as appropriate


State Initiatives Chair

Position Summary:

The State Initiatives Chair is responsible for coordinating the Association’s State Initiative campaign with the help of a committee representing each state. The goal is to help the New England states develop effective strategies to influence state policy, achieve greater legislative and fiscal support, and gain increased recognition. Specific goals include establishing stronger relationships with state legislators, business leaders, civic leaders and foundation executives; establishing local and statewide alumni associations; building stronger state TRIO Associations; impacting state and local appropriations for higher education; generating additional revenue sources for TRIO; establishing stronger relationships with similar organizations and introducing annual campaigns to demonstrate that TRIO programs are effective and good, solid investments.

Principal Responsibilities:

  • Attend board orientation (September) and four (4) meetings: November, January, April and June
  • Submit a budget request to president and finance committee for board approval
  • The Chair and committee are responsible for developing and distributing an RFP to all State Associations
  • The Chair will acknowledge the receipt of all proposals, convene the State Initiatives Committee to review and recommend funding for state initiative proposals, and make a full report back to the board. Each funded proposal shall provide a final report that will be evaluated by the committee who will, in turn, report back to the Association.
  • Convene committee meetings in conjunction with the board meetings to encourage and brainstorm proposals
  • Facilitate State Initiatives Committee meeting with state presidents and liaisons
  • Develop and distribute RFP’s to help meet the needs of individual states and state associations
  • Offer assistance in developing fundable proposals
  • Review and recommend funding proposals to the committee and to the board
  • Evaluate funded proposals one month after event takes place
  • Contribute information to the web page: information, highlights, and a list of funded proposals
  • Offer assistance in developing SI proposals for COE funding
  • Align with the Council for Opportunity in Education (COE) state initiative campaign goals.
  • Actively contribute to and participate in all board activities/discussions
  • Contribute information to the NEOA newsletter as appropriate.


Strategic Planning Chair

Position Summary:

This is an ad- hoc committee. The main responsibility of this committee is to report back to the association on activities that fully support the NEOA Strategic Planning by:

  • Developing a committee to update the association’s Strategic plan every 5 years;
  • Aid the current president with holding the Board accountable for supporting the Strategic Plan;
  • Identify areas of strength and improvement for the Association.

Annual priorities include: Developing a mechanism to evaluate how the Board is implementing the Strategic Plan and report back to the board at each meeting.

Principal Responsibilities:

  • Attend board orientation (September) and four (4) board meetings: November, January, April and June
  • Serve on and Chair the Strategic Planning Committee
  • Chair the Committee and work with the entire Board on updating the Strategic Plan every 5 years.
  • Support State Associations with their development of their own Strategic Plans
  • Provide a written report to NEOA on Strategic Planning Activities
  • Keep Board moving towards fully implementing the entire Strategic Plan
  • Promote membership in NEOA and institutional memberships in COE
  • Actively contribute to and participate in all board activities/discussions
  • Contribute information to the NEOA newsletter as appropriate


Retirees Committee Chair

Position Summary:

This is an ad-hoc committee. This committee has responsibility for keeping track of our retirees, engaging them in NEOA Board positions and committee work, celebrating their milestones, and promoting the retirees for awards.

Principal Responsibilities:

  • Attend Board Orientation (September) and four (4) meetings: November/December, January/February, April and June
  • Submit a budget request to President and Finance Committee for Board approval
  • The Retirees Committee shall be responsible to track all retired members of our association and recognize them at our annual conference in whichever way they would like.
  • Collaborate with different committees and states to generate a list of recent retirees.
  • Develop and update the retirees database with contact information
  • Actively contribute to and participate in all Board activities/discussions
  • Contribute information from the committee to the NEOA newsletter as appropriate.

This site was last updated on 01/29/2024. Copyright © 2024 New England Educational Opportunity Association

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